We, as teachers, provide much more than content. We protect our students and usually feel a deeply-seeded desire to see no harm come to them. But now, they are remote. Some are unreachable while others are available through only text, voice, or two dimensional screen. How do we protect and serve as role models when our interactions are so remote?
For centuries, games have been a great way to casually pass time either alone or with friends. During this period of isolation due to COVID-19, children, as well as adults, are turning to games as not only a way to pass time, but as an escape from our unsettling reality.
I want you to have access to my most recent webinar This is NOT Normal! How to model civil dialogue in Civics for social studies and history 8-13th grade teachers.
Use your calendar more rigorously than you are used to. Block chunks of time on your calendar for specific tasks, and perform your tasks during the schedule to which you have committed.
1) What made moving to Rochester and working a 2ndAve so compelling based on other places you have lived?
We’ve lived in Rochester for most of 25 years and moved to Seattle at one point because that’s where all the new, cool stuff in technology was happening.