Martha Madison Support

Getting Started With Martha Madison

Purchase Confirmation Email

Once you’ve purchased any number of licenses of Martha Madison, you will receive an email at the address you entered during purchase. This email will contain a link to your own personal Home Page and license codes you can use to activate your games. If you have not received the email within an hour of making your purchase, make sure to check your spam folder. If you still cannot locate the email, please email from the account you used to purchase the games and we’ll get things straightened out in no time.

Creating Your Teacher Account

Follow the link in the purchase confirmation email to the login page. From here, click Create User Account and fill in the necessary information. If you are a teacher or parent make sure to click the appropriate button at the bottom of the page. You’ll need a valid email address in order to create a teacher or parent account. Student accounts do not need an email. After creating your account log in and you’ll be placed on your homepage. Note the six-digit teacher code at the top of the page, as you’ll need that to link your account with your students’ accounts.

Activating Your Games

Find the Add a License section towards the bottom of the page and paste the license code(s) from your confirmation email into the field, then click Add License. You’ll see the unit you purchased appear in your homepage, along with the number of licenses you purchased and their expiration date. If you have multiple license codes, enter them one at a time.


Assigning Licenses to Students

If you are a teacher and purchased a bulk of licenses for your class, you’ll have link your account with their accounts. To do this, have your students create accounts in the same way you created yours. Ensure they have “Student” selected. Once they have an account, they will be placed on a home page similar to yours. Towards the bottom of the page they should see a section called Add a License. There, they should paste your teacher code (visible at the top of your homepage) and click Add Code. This will link the student’s account to your account, and will give them access to any game licenses you’ve purchased and activated.


Using Your Teacher Dashboard

To access your Teacher Dashboard, log into your homepage. Locate the game unit you’d like to view the dashboard for and click the graph icon under it. This will load your dashboard in a new browser tab.

The leftmost column of the dashboard lists all of the students who have linked themselves to your account. Each column to the right of that contains information about each specific game level. At the high-level view, you can see how far each student progressed in each level, how many attempts/completions they have so far, total amount of time spent in the level and most recent game partners.

To see the pedagogical information contained in each level, click the level name at the top of the column. A pop-up will open listing the level’s learning objectives, critical game objectives, concepts covered and educational standards. Should you wish to view more information about a particular student, click on their name in the left most column. You can download the information in your dashboard as an Excel file by clicking the Download Dashboard Data link in the top right corner of the screen.

Maximizing Learning With Martha

Our Suggested Strategy

  • Play the game yourself. Have fun!
  • Check out the Teacher Dashboard. Consider what data is useful to you in your instruction.
  • Dedicate time for consistent in-class play (and learning):
    • Two 25-minute sessions, or
    • Three 25-minute sessions (if you want students to replay levels to reinforce what they’ve learned)
  • Assess student learning at the start, in the middle, and at the end of the unit to track your students' progress.
    In addition to the pre- and post-assessments provided,
    consider measuring how much progress students have made overcoming commonly-held misconceptions about the subject matter.
  • Build upon, revisit, and refine students’ initial thinking
    throughout the unit. Periodically ask your students to notice when their thinking changes. That way, students can monitor their learning, and so can you!

Device Compatibility

What devices can I run Martha Madison on?

The Martha Madison games and dashboards run in your web browser. We support the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari, running on Windows 10, MacOS or Chrome OS (Chromebooks) desktop or laptop devices. Your computer will need to have an active internet connection throughout gameplay. Please note that Martha Madison does not support smartphone or tablet devices.

What equipment do I need to play the games?

Besides the computer itself, you’ll need a keyboard at minimum to play the game. If you are using a full keyboard with a number pad on the right, two players can play together on a single keyboard. Martha Madison also supports Xbox 360 USB game controllers. Other USB or wireless game controllers may also work, but only the Xbox 360 controller is officially supported. To use the Level Builder feature found in most Martha units, players will need a mouse or controller.